Chartnote Documentation

Chartnote Documentation


Welcome to Chartnote. With Chartnote, you can create a note just with a few clicks. We have thousands of snippets and smart templates to get you started. Chartnote makes it easy for you to create a note so you can focus on what matters.

A detailed documentation of how to use Chartnote and its features is below. Please explore this resource if you have any questions and for tips. You can access this documentation as well as pro tip blog posts in the Help section from the homepage of the app.

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User Interface

Introduction in App - Take the Tour!

The first time you use the Chartnote app, an intro will play highlighting and explaining how to use each icon. In your Settings, you can turn on the intro to play each time you login. You can also prompt the intro to play by clicking “Take the Tour'' at the bottom left of the application screen. This could potentially be helpful if you are still new to the app and haven’t memorized each of the icons usage.

Definitions - Chartnote Basic Terms

Snippet: A snippet is a collection of text (sentence or paragraph) and customizable fields you can use to insert into a note, also known as templates or dot phrases. You can create your own snippet or use snippets created by the Chartnote team and other users in the Community.

Encounter: An encounter is a group of snippets you can combine and insert with a single click into your note. All or most of the SOAP note components are usually contained in an encounter. Similar to snippets, you can create your own encounters with snippets available in your library or use encounters created by the Chartnote team and other users in the Community.

Note: A note is defined in our app as it is in your EHR - a SOAP note (or APSO if you prefer this sequence for charting). In Chartnote, you can copy and paste each section of the note or the full note depending on what is compatible with your EHR. The default page when you login to Chartnote is the note page. To see all your saved notes, go to Notes in the left-side menu.

Library: Your Chartnote library is a collection of your snippets and encounters. Only you can see your library unless you create snippets and choose to “share with the community”. You can find other snippets and encounters in the Chartnote and Community libraries which you can save to your own library if you want to use them. 

User Interface Overview


How to create a new note

To create a new note, make sure you are in the note editing section of the app - you can find this link in the top right corner of your screen.

In the top left of your screen, at the top of the sidebar, click “new note”.

Every time you create a new note your previous note autosaves. You’ll find all the notes you’ve created in the “Notes” tab of the sidebar.

Like any scientific paper we think your note should have an abstract. A succinct summary of your note. Sometimes called a "one-liner", (e.g., 60 y/o smoker p/w fever and cough. Tx with Levofloxacin for pneumonia). You can write and edit the abstract in the top of the screen above the note.

If you are looking for a note, you can use the search bar in the sidebar on the left of your screen. This will search in the abstract content or the the first section of your SOAP note with any content.

You can delete your note by clicking the three dots next to the note in the sidebar, and then clicking “delete”.

You can also delete sections within your note by clicking the red trash icon next to the chosen section.

How to export a note to your EHR

Once you have written your note and are ready to copy and paste to your EHR, there are a few ways to export from Chartnote. It’s important to note that selecting and copying the text manually or by keyboard command will not preserve some of the snippet information - you must use the copy icons within the app.

To preview how your note will look when copied into your EHR, click “preview” in the sidebar on the left of your screen.

To copy the entire note in SOAP format, click the “copy all” icon, and then paste into your EHR.

To preview one section at a time, click the green magnifying glass icon next to the chosen section.

To copy one section at a time, click the blue copy icon next to the chosen section you want to paste.

You can also print your note if you prefer, using the down arrow next to the top left of your screen at the top of the sidebar. Click “print”. This will also allow you to save as a pdf document.


How to use snippets

You can explore snippets in a few ways. One way is to search for snippets in the sidebar on the left of your screen in the note section of the app. Prior to inserting the snippet, select the SOAP section you want the snippet to go into.

Make sure you are in the snippets section of the sidebar. You can then type keywords into the search bar to find snippets you’d like to insert into your note. You must click the blue magnifying glass next to the search bar or click the Enter key on your keyboard to see results. 

Once you find a snippet you’d like to use, click the snippet to insert it. As stated, the snippet will automatically insert into the SOAP section your cursor was in prior to selecting your snippet. If you want the snippet to go in a different section, just click into that section prior to selecting your snippet.

Another way to use a snippet is to type the @ symbol in the section of the note you’d like to edit followed by the keyword or abbreviation. This display a list of suggested snippets. Click the snippet you would like to insert. 

Any customizable fields in the snippet can then be edited in your note.

The snippets section of the sidebar gives you access to your top ten used snippets, making it easy to find those you use frequently. To use a snippet in your top ten list, make sure you have clicked in the section you’d like to insert it into and then click the snippet.

To read more about discovering snippets in the community and adding them to your own library, check out to the Library section of the documentation below.

How to create a snippet

To create your own snippet, navigate to the library via the menu in the top right corner of your screen. 

Once you click “library”, use the sidebar on the left side of your screen. Click “Snippets” to expand the options, and click “My Library”. 

Once you are in your library, click the green button “Create Snippet” on the right side of your screen. 

This opens a new snippet. Required fields are a title and abbreviation (e.g. title could be hypertension and abbreviation could be htn). You can use letters, numbers, and characters in these fields. Pro users create naming conventions with characters to better organize their libraries.

You have the option of labeling your snippet with a category (e.g. cardiology). This field can be helpful to other users when finding new snippets in the Community or to yourself when searching and organizing your own library. You can select multiple categories.

The next optional field in your new snippet is SOAP. You can label your snippet to help yourself or community users know in which section of your note this snippet can be used as well as for library organization. This abbreviation will be seen when searching for snippets anywhere in the app.

You can choose to share your snippet with the Community or to keep it private for your own library only. Chartnote encourages you to share your snippets with the Community to help each other make charting easier. 

In the text box, you can type as well as insert the customizable fields to create your snippet. Below is a detailed description of each of the fields. 

Once you are satisfied with your snippet, click “Save” at the bottom right of your screen.

The app will then bring you to your Snippet Library where you can preview, edit, delete, and duplicate each snippet under the “Actions” header.

To read about importing snippets from the Chartnote and Community libraries into your library, see the “Library” section below.

Customizable fields in snippets

Make sure your cursor is where you want to insert the customizable field before clicking the button. Edit fields by clicking into them, this will display a menu on the right side of the snippet editor. Delete a field by clicking the red trash icon next to the name when editing it. You can also copy a customizable field by clicking the copy icon next to the name. 


A small text field or fill in the blank. In the field properties, the name is optional. If two fields have the same name, their value will synchronize when you expand the snippet. You can add a default value and/or placeholder.

A dropdown menu. You can either click the dropdown button or type a list of things, select them all, and then click dropdown. You can move the dropdown options around or delete them using the red trash icon next to the option. To add an option, type in the “Options” box and click the blue “Add” button below. 

Text Area 

A large text field (more than just 1-2 words, more like a paragraph or larger phrases). The name of the text area field is optional but important. If you use the same name multiple times, it will read the field as the same and apply it across all fields. You can add a default value and/or placeholder similar to an input field.


The optional section is special, it let’s you include or exclude optional text fields into your snippet. It has a checkbox next to the optional text that enables or disables the text area when clicked. The idea is that you will check or uncheck the words, sentences, or paragraphs you do or don’t want to include. You can include or exclude this optional field by default in the snippet by using the checkmark box. You can also name the optional sections and add labels that can help you identify this text field. Labels will not show up when previewing or exporting your note.


This field automatically inserts a date or time into your note. Use the dropdown box to select the format you want to use. If you check the box for the time wizard, it will give you additional options to add or subtract a certain amount of time.


How to use encounters

Encounters lets you insert multiple “snippets” all at once. You can complete your note inserting multiple snippets with a single click. 

You can search for encounters in the sidebar on the left of your screen in the note section of the app. 

Make sure you are in the encounters section of the sidebar. You can then type keywords into the search bar to find encounters you’d like to insert into your note. You must click the blue magnifying glass next to the search bar or click the Enter key on your keyboard to see results. 

Once you find an encounter you’d like to use, click the encounter to insert it. As encounters are a collection of snippets, the snippets will go into the sections of the note predetermined  in the encounter. 

Any customizable fields can then be edited in your note. You can add further snippets, other encounters, or general typed or dictated text to complete your note.

The encounters section of the sidebar gives you quick access to your top ten used encounters, making it easy to find those you use frequently. To use an encounter in your top ten list, just click it and it will insert into your note.

To read more about discovering encounters in the community and adding them to your own library, check out to the Library section of the documentation below.

How to create an encounter

To create your own encounter, navigate to the library via the menu in the top right corner of your screen. 

Once you click “library”, use the sidebar on the left side of your screen. Click “Encounters” to expand the options, and click “My Library”. 

Once you are in your library, click the green button “Create Encounter” on the right side of your screen. 

This opens a new encounter. The required field is a title (e.g. HTN, hypertension). You can use letters, numbers, and characters in this field. 

You can choose to share your encounter with the Community or to keep it private for your own library only. Chartnote encourages you to share your encounters with the Community to help each other make charting easier. 

The encounter is formatted like a note. Use the search bar on the left side to search for snippets; type in keywords or abbreviations and click Enter or click on the blue magnifying glass to the right of the search bar. The results displayed are from your own library and the Chartnote library.

Click on the snippet you want to insert. If you want to move the snippet to a different section or above or below another snippet in the same section, click, drag and drop it to the desired location.

You can fill as few as one section with one snippet or fill each section with snippets in order to save it as an encounter. 

To preview your encounter, click the blue magnifying glass that says “Preview” above the search bar. To preview one section by itself, click the green magnifying glass above the chosen section. To delete the snippets in only one section, click the red trash icon above the chosen section.

Once you are satisfied with your encounter, click “Save” at the bottom right of the screen.

The app will then bring you to your Encounter Library where you can preview, edit, delete, and duplicate each encounter under the “Actions” header.

To read about importing encounters from the Chartnote and Community libraries into your library, see the “Library” section below.


In the top right corner of the app, click “library”. This will bring you to your own snippet and encounter library, as well as the Community and Chartnote libraries where you can discover snippets and encounters created by the Chartnote team and the Community (other Chartnote users). Under the library tab, you can also view the leaderboard showing the top Chartnote users and snippets. 

Use the left sidebar to navigate the libraries. 

In “My Snippet Library”, you can search, edit, create, and manage your own snippets and encounters respectively.

Chartnote Library

The Chartnote Library snippets and encounters will be searchable to you automatically when you create a new note. However, if you’d like to browse all the Chartnote snippets and encounters, you may do so in the library. These are all created by the Chartnote team.

To browse Chartnote Library snippets, click “Snippets” to expand the options and then click “Chartnote”. You can search using the search bar or filter your search by the headers (e.g. SOAP, Categories). 

To browse Chartnote Library encounters, click “Encounters” to expand the options and then click “Chartnote”. 

Community Library

The Community Library snippets and encounters are all created and shared by other users. These are not available to you automatically, unless you add them to your own library. 

To browse the Community Library snippets, click “Snippets” to expand the options and then click “Community”. You can search using the search bar or filter your search by the headers (e.g. SOAP, Categories). You will also see stats of the “Top Chartnoters” in the Community Library. 

To browse the Community Library encounters, click “Encounters” to expand the options and then click “Community”. 

Saving to My Library

When you see a snippet or encounter you like, you can use the green magnifying glass under “Actions” to preview. 

If you’d like to save it to your own library, click the file import icon under “Actions”. You will then see a window pop up prompting you to give it a new title or you can leave the current title. For snippets, you will also be able to edit the abbreviation.

Next, you will see a window pop up giving you the option to edit the snippet or encounter. If you close this window, the snippet or encounter will be added to your library as is. If you open the editor, it takes you to the snippet or encounter editor.

The Leaderboard

In the Library, you can also find the Leaderboard by clicking “Leaderboard” in the sidebar on the left of your screen. This will show you the “Top Chartnoters” of the month as well as the top “Snippets of the Month”. 

You can import the top snippets from this page into your Library by using the blue arrow and paper as mentioned in the “Saving to My Library” section.

Dictation (Voice Recognition and Speech-to-Text)

How to dictate notes using speech to text

If you prefer not to type or find it faster to use dictation, you can use the speech-to-text feature by clicking on the microphone icon at the bottom right of the screen in the “note” section of the app. 

You can dictate commands, navigate to different sections of your note, and stop dictation all through voice-recognition. By clicking the question mark icon below and to the left of the microphone icon, you will find a list of commands to help you navigate the app using your voice.

The gear icon below and to the left of the microphone icon will give you some tips on getting better results from your dictation.

As you use the dictation tool more, the AI will learn to be more compatible with your speech input. Improve recognition of multi-word phrases. When you provide a multi-word phrase (a sentence instead of a single word), Speech-to-Text is more likely to recognize those words in sequence. 

To start dictating, place the cursor in the field you want to enter text and click on the microphone to start and stop your dictation. You can also use keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to start or stop your microphone. (Control + ↓) for Windows, (Command + ↓) for Mac.

Use punctuation commands like period or comma to complete your sentences. Commands like new line or new paragraph, allow you to give structure to your text.

Navigate your note with commands like: go to document start, go to objective, go to next field.

Edit your text with commands to select and delete text: select last 3 words, delete last line.

Tips for better accuracy: use a dedicated microphone or headset to dictate your note. Keep the microphone 6 inches from your mouth when dictating.


To access your profile settings, click your profile initials at the top right corner of the screen. Then click “Settings”. You will see the following options on the sidebar menu:

My Profile

When you click “Settings”, you will be brought to “My Profile” automatically. Here you can edit your full name, public name, profession, specialty, and timezone. You can also add the name of the EHR you use, but that is an optional field.

If you make any changes, you can click “Save” at the bottom right of the screen.


You can navigate to preferences by clicking “Preferences” below “My Profile”. Under preferences you can turn on or turn off the intro tour of the app.

You can also change the export format of your notes. Chartnote offers either APSO or SOAP format. You will see this only if you copy the entire note or preview your note, not in the layout of the app itself.

To save your preferences, click “Update” at the bottom right of the screen.

Change Password

You can navigate to change password by clicking “Change Password” in the settings menu. Here you can update your Chartnote password by typing your current password once and typing your new password twice. 

To save your new password, click “Update” at the bottom right of the screen.


You can navigate to subscriptions by clicking “Subscriptions” in the settings menu. Here you can see your subscription history and manage your subscription. 

You can choose to be billed monthly or yearly. 

Basic subscription will give you 50 zaps (snippet or encounter expansions) a month and 15 minutes of dictation.
Premium subscription will give you unlimited zaps and 20 minutes of dictation.
Professional subscription will give you unlimited zaps and dictation.

Each time you insert a snippet or encounter into a note, a zap is logged on your account. If you have a basic subscription, your number of zaps will appear at the top of the app in the “note” section.

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